nature and morels


Went outside today to fertilize the bales and took a few pictures of some flowers (looked like bluebonnets but I don’t think they are, they appear to be on onion/garlic stalk-type-things) and a snail under a tree.  By the way, I measured the temperature of the straw bales Tuesday and it averaged 87 degrees.  It rained yesterday so I didn’t bother watering them.  I didn’t water them today since it’s supposed to rain as well.


Then I saw a morel mushroom.  I have never had one and haven’t been a huge fan of any mushrooms in general, but I picked it and Holly and Valentine helped me search around and we found one more.  Apparently there’s fake ones that are poisonous but according to the internet, these are genuine.


Yes, they look like tiny brains.  I have heard these are good and people hunt them so, I googled how to cook them, coated them in a little flour and fried them in some butter in a skillet.


I thought they were actually quite tasty, kind of like chicken or something.  Holly tried one and wasn’t a huge fan, but I will definitely search for more after a rain or if I’m ever wandering in a forest or something and have them again.



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